Thursday, July 14, 2022

5 of the Best Back to School Stuff for Teachers on Amazon! 

1. Calculator Holder (Cell Phone Holder)

Lets face it, we all know cellphones can be a major distraction in any class. Instead of constantly collecting cell phones or hearing griping about how one student got caught and another didn't it's easier to collect them in the beginning. A Cell Hotel helps ease some of the tension as you can display it behind your desk or in front of the room. You assign each student a number and their cell phone goes into the pouch that corresponds with the number. You can do this by a list or by giving the students a ticket. Last 5-10 minutes you have the students get their phones back. You can even place power strips nearby so that students can charge their phones. Click here to get it

 2. Erasable Calendar

I love this! It's a calendar that works like a dry erase board. It makes it easy to post due dates and helps students stay on track. You can also briefly give students a preview of what's coming up. Also you can post holidays, teacher's workdays, upcoming events, etc. This is a great resource for keeping both teachers and students on track.Click here to get it

 3. Glue gun and glue sticks

I have issues keeping stuff hung on my walls. Staples, tape, and mounting strips have never really worked for me. What did work was when a coworker showed me how well a glue gun works. I've never had problems with it damaging my walls.Click here to get it

4. Paper organizer (drop box)

I hate clutter on my desk. It happens but anything I can do to prevent it is good. While I assign a lot of digital assignments I still keep a drop box at the front of my room. The box is arranged by period and checked daily. This way I don't have students constantly dropping papers on my desk. Click here to get them

5. Bulk Highlighters (different colors)

I love highlighters, annotation, and color coding. One of the keys to doing this correcting is having a variety of highlighters. While I do expect students to have their own highlighters it often doesn't happen, so I get them. Buying in bulk makes sense to me because I use them often. Click here to see them

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